Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Shadow - Final Journey

On 1/21/2014, 10:53 PM I had to make the toughest decision of my life till date. I had to let my chow, Shadow goto heaven. After a battle for 4 months with adenocarcinoma, Shadow's cancer attacked her lungs removing any possibility of recovery.

This blog is an attempt to keep her memory alive. Internet is good way to keep memories alive. I feel like writing today, so I started a blog in her name. In time I will loose this enthusiasm, maybe even get too busy with the humdrum affairs of life. But this blog today will ensure that Shadow's memories are alive in our hearts. I will try to summarize her life over a couple of posts starting from Jan 2003, when she was born to Jan 21, 2014 when she left for heaven. In the time she spent with us, she was by our side in our up moments and down moments. She taught us how to love, unconditionally, without prejudice, to not have egos so that we can enjoy life with love and affection.

She went away yesterday, but I am still troubled, I dont know if I made the right decision or not. Humane euthanasia of our pets is a very debatable topic. She was having a lot of trouble breathing and hence it was just a matter of time. Before she became too uncomfortable, I had to let her go. Maybe she could have been with us for a few more days but those days would've been full of misery. What my mind cannot get a closure on is if that was the right decision or should I have let her go on her own ?